Moroccan Style Preserved Mandarins with Anise

Allow 130g sea salt for 1kg mandarins.
Extra mandarins needed for juice.

Wash the mandarins, pat them dry.  Cut lengthwise not quite into quarters.

Sprinkle generously with salt inside the mandarins.

Pack the mandarins into a Fowlers No.31 bottle, adding extra salt.  Add 1-4 star anise to taste.

Press the mandarins down: use a saucer with a weight or stone.

Top up the jar with freshly squeezed mandarin juice.

Seal with Size 4 ring, Size 4 Fowlers Fermenting Lid.

They will release their juices.  Add extra mandarin juice over the following days so that the mandarins are covered and submerged.  Shake the jar from time to time to assist in dissolving the salt.

Leave for approx 3 months or until the mandarins are very soft.  Store in the refrigerator, or process in your Simple Natural Preserving Kit for 60 minutes to assist halt the fermenting process.

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