Spiced quince

Quince has a relatively short season and well worth using. Raw quince has a pale flesh and when exposed to air will oxidize. The deep rosy colour that develops during cooking is an important part of quince recipes.

Yield: 8 x No. 14 Bottles


3 kg quinces
2 lemons halved
3 cups sugar
375mL Muscat wine
Water (enough to cover the quinces during cooking)
6 cinnamon sticks
10 star Anise
10 peppercorns

Ensure bottles are clean and dry


1.     Peel, halve and scoop out the cores of the quinces.
2.     Slice and drop into lightly salted water to stop flesh from browning.
3.     Before poaching, rinse thoroughly.
4.     Poach quinces in syrup made with sugar, muscat and water.
5.     Note: Stir sugar into liquids and dissolve before adding quince.
6.     Add spices to the quince during poaching
7.     Simmer on a low heat until the quince is a blush (pinkish) colour and tender.
8.     Add your quince slices or halves into the No 14 jars. Make sure to pack tightly, cut side down and overlap evenly. Divide spices between bottles.
9.     Top up the bottles with the syrup (room temperature ensuring to leave a 12mm headspace at the top of the bottle).
10.  Seal with ring, lid and clip.
11.  Process as per preserver type

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